Creation of Parameter Sets for Exploration of Environmental Effects on the Course of Disease

Zigurds Markovics, Ieva Markovica


The paper is devoted to the research problems, when influence of external environmental factors on healthy organism or the course of the disease is required. One of the first problems is to decide, what body parameters should be measured to evaluate most important impact factors. The easiest way is to measure everything that can be measured, or to use only in prac-tice applied measurements. However, the result is better if the set of parameters is purposefully selected, based on the efficiency parameters and overlapping all disease affected subsystems providing coverage of all pathogenic manifestations of the dis-ease. The authors suggest for this purpose to use the topological modeling of pathogenesis, formalized model processing, parame-ter evaluation, ranking and selection of parameters using the table overlay method.


Coverage, disease pathogenesis, environmental factors, expert evaluation, organism, topological model.

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DOI: 10.7250/tcc.2014.005


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